Do you love a good word search to practice new vocabulary? It has always been one of my favorite “paper and pencil” activities. My great aunt used to buy books of word searches when I was a kid and I would spend hours combing through them. So naturally, I love them in Spanish too! Especially for a day when you need a lower-energy classroom (for me that is usually the day before a holiday/vacation when my Spanish students are bouncing off the walls haha). So I created holiday word searches for my Spanish classes as a fun way to practice Spanish vocabulary. Curious what’s included? Wondering how to use these in 5 different ways to extend the lesson and simplify your Spanish class lesson planning? Read on in the blos post!
Holiday word search – What’s included?

I L.O.V.E having these Spanish puzzles on hand for every month of the year. It gives me a break from lesson planning and gives my students exposure to the key vocabulary they need to be able to write/talk about the holiday. Each holiday has 2 crosswords, 2 word searches, and a matching worksheet and the answer key is included to make this a no-prep Spanish activity for high school or middle school students.
5 ways to extend this word search activity:
- Matamoscas game- Project (or write) the words on the board. Then play the classic flyswatter game.
- Ask your students to create four sentences using the vocabulary.
- Use those sentences to create a fill in the blank worksheet.
- Describe one of the words in Spanish and students guess which word it is. This is a great way to use circumlocution skills
- Have the students create a bingo card with pictures representing the vocabulary words. Then, play as a class.
These five ideas for using word search activities will get your students practicing Spanish vocabulary asap. PLUS it is an easy way to build your lesson plans with very little prep! Running short on time and looking for a fun activity? Check out my ready-to-go word search & crossword puzzles by clicking here.

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