Need a Step by Step Guide for Teaching the First Two Weeks of Spanish?

August 7, 2024 No Comments

Back to school us upon us! How’d that happen? I always think that I’ll have more time over summer but then school starts and there is just so much to do to get ready! Right!? Let me help you simplify the back to school rush with a step by step guide for what to teach in Spanish class the first 2 weeks of school! 

Day 1 – Introductions 

Teach your students the main expressions for greeting one another with the the PowerPoint. Then get them speaking in pairs with the task cards.

Day 2 – Numbers

Start class by projecting the greetings/ introductions expressions from the previous day on the overhead. Students will then turn to a partner and practice introducing themselves. They can use the PowerPoint as a reference if they need to. You can also print and hang these posters with the expressions in your room for a constant reference.

Next, introduce the numbers in Spanish with the powerpoint. Say them out loud and students repeat to work on pronunciation. Finish class by playing the flyswatter game on numbers.

Day 3- Calendar Talk

Start class by projecting the greetings/ introductions expressions on the overhead. Students turn to a partner and practice introducing themselves. They can use the PowerPoint as a reference if they need to.

Then review numbers using the “jump up game.”

Finally, introduce them to “Calendar Talk” by using the powerpoint to discuss the day/week/month etc.

Day 4 – Weather

Start class with Calendar Talk. This is a simple way to review numbers (the date) and naturally introducing them to the days of the week/months.

Then introduce the weather expressions. Project the weather expressions and incorporate it into the Calendar Talk. Finally, students practice discussing weather in pairs with the task cards.

Day 5 – Review and Recycle with Calendar Talk & Reading Activities for Numbers

Start class with Calendar Talk & weather. Then review numbers with gumball worksheets.

Day 6 – Review and Recycle with Games & Running Dictations

Start class with Calendar Talk & weather. Then review numbers with jump up game.

Finally, review greetings/ introductions expressions with the running dictations activity.

Day 7 – Review and Recycle with Task Cards & Reading Activities

Start class with Calendar Talk & weather. Then review greetings/ introductions expressions with the speaking task cards. Finally do the reading activities on weather. Depending on your students level, they can work on this individually or you can read the letter out loud with the class, and then they can complete the comprehension activity.

Day 8 – Student skits

Start class with Calendar Talk & weather.

Then introduce the skit. Students work in groups of 3. They create a short skit introducing themselves in Spanish. They should first write their dialogue. Finally, they present their skit (either in front of the class or record a video and submit digitally).

Finally, review introductions with Boom cards. Take a little break because your students can work on these independently. They’re self checking!

Day 9 – Review for Assessment

First, project the calendar and ask the students 10 true/false statements. Some examples: Hoy es lunes. Hace frío. Es el 6 de enero. Students write their answers on a piece of paper. Review the answers with the class.

Before class, tape the task cards (weather & introductions) around the room on the walls. Students work in partners. They should visit each of the cards and complete them verbally.

Finally, review numbers with the “jump up game.” 

Day 10 – Assessment

Create a speaking and writing assessment on the first two weeks of school. Or save yourself all that time and effort with this bundle for the first two weeks of school that includes the assessments too!

Now feel confident to start the school year off on the right foot! Get your students learning ASAP with out spending hours lesson planning and prepping activities. Instead, enjoy the back to school season stress free and with tons of energy to get to know your Spanish students. 

Erin, The Spanish Brew

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