10 Fun Ways to Wrap up FVR at the End of the School Year

April 26, 2023 No Comments

Have your students done free voluntary reading (FVR) in Spanish this year and now you’d like to have a fun way to celebrate all their reading accomplishments? Read on to find out little ways to celebrate a year’s worth of reading in Spanish!

Top 10 ways to celebrate FVR at the end of the school year:

1. Reading and snack party

2. Create a bookmark with their favorite quotes

3. Write a review for next year’s students to read

4. Post to a Padlet with their review of the book

5. Tape QR codes in the books that link to the padlet for next year students to use

6. Create a smash doodle about their favorite parts of the book 

7. The class votes on their favorite books

8. Stats. Makes guesses on the total number of books/minutes/words the class has read this year. Students respond in Google drive. Then do a big reveal.

9. Create small groups to share about their favorite books.

10. Find out who read what by creating a Venn diagram or “signature sheet”

These are some wonderful low prep ways to celebrate what your students read. They can be used for students the following year or to decorate your classroom. I love displaying our stats out in the hallway so the rest of the school can see how much my students are able to read in Spanish. Have any more creative ideas for how to celebrate FVR? Drop me a line on Instagram or Facebook. I’d love to hear your strategies! 

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