3 Ways to Make Grading for Spanish Class Easier

May 29, 2024 No Comments

Have you ever stared at a big stack of papers to grade with dread? Do they sometimes get carried home with you only to sit in your bag because you just don’t want to give up your free time (non contract…) to tackle boring grading? So let’s talk about how to make grading easier for Spanish teachers! Read on to find out how. 

1. Shorten assessments

Do they really need to answer 20 questions or would 15 suffice? 5 fewer questions times a whole classful of students will make a big difference in the time it takes you to grade a quiz. 

2. Rubrics

An oldie but a goodie. Rubrics will help you to quickly assess where your students are at, and it will be clear to them what areas they need to improve upon. I love sharing rubrics with my other Spanish 1 teachers so that all of our students are getting a similar experience. 

3. Easy to grade assignments like glyphs

I love giving my students Spanish reading assignments, but I don’t want to spend hours tediously checking to make sure they understood absolutely everything. And then I discovered glyphs. Here’s how it works in a nutshell…. I create some statements in Spanish, students decide if they’re “logical or illogical”, and then color in the picture based on their answer. With a quick glance, I can see if my students are understanding the reading based on the colors they’re using. Boom! Grading done in seconds. Or even better, use it as a formative assessment and let your students check their own work. Just project the answer key!

Interested in simplifying your lesson planning? Check out these ready to go glyphs. I created one for every Spanish topic I teach: school, food, house, community, sports, family, clothes, daily routine, & accidents, and more. 

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