I absolutely love decorating my classroom with these adorable reindeer posters in December. Not only does my room look cute, but it is a great way to get students chatting in Spanish! But wait, there’s more 😉 Can I let you in on my little secret? I have 3 extension activities that you can use with these reindeer to infuse your classroom with even more Spanish! Read on to find out about these zero prep extension activities.

Zero prep extension activities
1. Partner chat as a warm up
Students turn to a partner and chat in Spanish to get warmed up.
2. Whole group chat using data.
Ask the class who is feeling “nervous” for example, and create a tally system on the board. Use this data to make comparisons such as “Are more students feeling nervous or happy.” Or use those questions to make a quick formative assessment to check to see if they’re comprehending the Spanish.
3. Guessing game- how does the teacher (and then students who are willing) feel?
My students absolutely love a good guessing game. You can ask this open ended (¿Cómo está profe) or give them a binary choice (¿Profe está cansada o contenta?)
It doesn’t take a lot of lesson planning or prep work to extend this reindeer activity to give your students additional input in Spanish. Have you tried any of these? Drop me a note on Instagram or Facebook and let me know. I’d love to hear from you!

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