Dreading Cleaning out your Classroom at the End of the School Year?

June 26, 2024 No Comments

To say that I dreaded cleaning out my room at the end of the year was an understatement. I was exhausted from a long year, grading exams, and was so ready for summer break! It is tough to find the motivation to get everything organized, but I promise you will thank yourself in August if you do. Read on to find out my 3 must do activities for cleaning out my classroom at the end of the school year. 

1. Recycle papers

Just get rid if it! Why are you saving all those old tests? In my 15+ years of teaching no student, parent, or administrator ever asked to see an old assessment 6 months later.  

2. Organize your materias

I love binders, crates, folders, etc. And my favorite! Using Ziplock bags to keep things organized. You can wrap the sealed end of the bag with duct tape, hold punch it, and then store them in binders or with a metal ring. 

3. Make a list of passwords/notes where things are located for when you come back in the fall (and won’t remember)

This is my absolute must do before leaving for summer break. Trust me, you won’t remember all your log in’s after 3 months of rest and relaxation. So instead of having to hit “password reset”  in August, just jot them down somewhere safe. 

Best of luck clearing out your room! Have any more organizational tips? Please drop me a line on  Instagram or Facebook. I’d love to hear your advice! 

Erin, The Spanish Brew

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