Are you teaching Spanish weather vocabulary but want to spice it up? Bored of just asking your students ¿Qué tiempo hace? in your daily conversations and staring out the window waiting for their canned response about el tiempo? Just talking about the weather forecast in Spanish can be so boring, right?! And yet, these common phrases are so common that it would be a shame to not teach them in our Spanish classrooms. So let’s mix up our lesson planning! One of my favorite activities for teaching weather is a Picture Talk, a great tool for incorporating comprehensible input in context in your Spanish class! It’s perfect for students of all ages. Bonus….it also includes authentic artwork. Curious how I do it? Read this blog post!

I show my students three paintings by Monet that show different seasons. We talk about what we see to incorporate new and old Spanish words, discuss how each painting is similar or different, and make comparisons to the weather in our town. Then I ask them comprehension questions to make sure they understand what we discussed and the beauty is that there is no “correct answer” which helps decrease students’ stress about answering in the target language. So simple but gives them tons of comprehensible input with new weather vocabulary words!
Interested to try it? Ready to incorporate some zero-prep fun Spanish resources in your Spanish classroom? Here is the picture talk activity with tons of examples of different types of weather so you can include all the Spanish weather words. It has everything you need: The art, tons of questions to ask your class, and a post-discussion worksheet to check for understanding. You will love this no-prep activity that you can use any time of the year to boost your students’ Spanish language skills.

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