Shhh! The Secret to Building Student Buy-In During FVR

August 31, 2022 No Comments

I LOVE free voluntary reading (FVR). I carve out 5 minutes every other day to just let my students read for fun. It builds in chill quiet time and gives them a lot of freedom to choose what they’re reading (and learning) about. Are you curious but nervous how to get your students to buy into it. Read on to hear my secret for building buy-in to FVR. 

The Secret…

It is actually very simple. You have to model it to them. Show them that it is SO important and enjoyable that you too will take time to read. Don’t use that time for tasks like attendance. Then after the FVR time is over, give them a minute or two to share what they read with a partner and you should share what you’re reading with the class. The added bonus is that it builds interest in what they’re reading. 

You will thoroughly enjoy reading with your students. Model what good reading looks like. And enjoy the mental break. Short stories are my favorite because my students can access a variety of them in a short amount of time. I wrote short stories on school, family, house, food, sports, daily routine, and more. Check them out to start building your library today.

Erin, The Spanish Brew

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