Have you tried calendar talk in your Spanish class? It is an easy way to give your students input in the target language that is contextualized and therefore easier for them to comprehend. In my class I project the week with days and dates with this PowerPoint. Then we talk about what is going on at school, in the community, and in their personal lives. My students can reference the vocabulary on our word walls to help with comprehension. If you’ve tried this activity, you know that after a few times, it can get a little stale, especially if there isn’t much going on. Need some more ideas for how to keep calendar talk fresh? Read on for a whole list of ideas.
Topics for calendar talk
- Famous birthday
- Today in the cafeteria
- National days- When are the weird holidays like national donut day? Use Cute-calendar. Com to look up the holiday for today. Then the students use circumlocution to figure out what it is. Play like “20 questions.” For example, “es una comida?”
- How many days until – ¿Cuantas días faltan para…?
- Full moon / Eclipse
- Weather
- School events – Games, dances, homecoming.
- Birthdays
- Famous people’s birthdays
- This day in history
- Events around town
- Big family events – Anniversaries, Grandma’s 80th birthday, family reunion.
Have any more great ideas? Drop them in the comments below! Or connect with me on Instagram or Facebook and tell me about your experience.

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