Have you heard the expression “interpersonal mode”? According to ACTFL, in the interpersonal writing mode students make meaning of language through an exchange such as a letter, text message, or email. This is one of my favorite modes to assess formally and informally because it applies directly to every day life. It’s simple for a student to understand the value in this type of exchange. (Just think of how many hours they spend on social media…). Read on to discover some of the amazing benefits to using this type of interpersonal resource in your language classroom.
1. Students see the Spanish written correctly.
We teachers know the importance of giving our students as much input as possible. Providing them quality – – correct – – visual input through reading is paramount to developing their language skills. It helps them to properly acquire the target language with fewer interruptions from their native language.
2. Students have a model from which to base their writing.
Once they’ve seen the Spanish written correctly, they have an idea of how to form their own sentences. No more “me llamo es…” because they have read it properly.
3. It’s an easy way to include cultural references.
I love basing my interpersonal reading passages around a specific country so that I can introduce new cultural ideas. Some of my favorites topics include foods, school customs, and sports. For example, my students LOVE learning about the Argentinean sport “pato.”
4. Students can answer from their own perspective.
Allowing students the space to talk about themselves and their experiences helps to solidify the importance and usefulness of the L2. You know how much adolescents love talking about themselves! An added bonus is this is a way to get to know our students better.
5. Students make cross cultural comparisons.
Once they’ve learned about the L2 culture, students can draw comparisons and contrasts. In my school unit, my students compare their experiences with schools in Nicaragua. Debating uniforms is always a hot topic!
The amazing benefits of interpersonal writing cannot be understated. It will greatly improve your student’s writing. I love using these reading and writing activities every unit! Plus, the Ohio department of education has some great ready-to-use rubrics for interpersonal writing. Try it out to see how much it helps your students’ writing.

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