The Ultimate Back to School to do List for Spanish Teachers

July 24, 2024 No Comments

The school year is kicking off!! I’m sure you are sitting through teacher institute days, soaking up new info at department meetings, and getting excited about decorating your classroom. And lets not forget the BEST part… new school supplies! (My husband thinks I have an addiction… He might not be wrong). 

With all that excitement comes all of the preparation it takes to start our classes off right. Sometimes this can feel really overwhelming and we can go down some time-sucking-rabbit holes. Yep, spending all that time picking the perfect colors for my binders, bulletin boards, etc can really get out of hand. 

Meanwhile, there are a ton of important items that need to be tackled. Everything from creating seating charts, to setting up your gradebook, to getting your technology in order. Whew. It can seem really overwhelming. I remember as a new teacher I didn’t even know where to start! (Yes, it was definitely more fun and manageable to make those bulletin boards). 

So if you are looking for a hand on how to get prepared for the first day of school, check out my free download to get organized. Just drop your name and personal email above and I’ll email it right to you. I give you all of my steps for getting prepared and also throw in a blank sheet if you want to start your own lists. Happy back to school! 

Erin, The Spanish Brew

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