Picture it… The weather finally starts to get nice out, you’re thinking about summer break, and it’s putting you in a great mood. You head to class, typically in the afternoon, and your students are bouncing off the walls. No matter what you do you can’t get them to focus. What do you do? Read on to find out some quick tips that will help you with classroom management once the weather gets nice.
My big recommendation?
Roll with it. Use their energy in a positive way. Here are some quick ideas.
- Take them outside. Do your same lesson, but outside.
- Play a game. Check out this post for a ton of ideas
- Running dictation. Use up all their energy while getting them thinking in Spanish.
- Speaking task cards. This gets them out of their seats and chatting in pairs.
- Chill them out with a short story. Students love when you read to them. I let my students come sit on the floor at the front of the room and stretch out.
Have more ideas of what to do with your crazy kids on warm days? Drop me a link or connect with me on Instagram or Facebook and tell me about your experience.

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