Tricks to Using Speaking Task Cards in Person and Virtually

September 14, 2022 No Comments

Do you want your Spanish students to converse in the target language but you know they need a little extra support? Have you tried speaking task cards? They helped my students so much that I created them for every chapter we study! Curious how you can make them for your classes? Read on!

3 Simple Steps

Step 1 – Identify essential questions

Step 2 – Write the questions and answer starters.

The starters will help your students to conjugate correctly and build confidence. For example if the question says “¿Qué te gusta hacer?” the answer starter can say “Me gusta…”

Step 3- Print,  Cut, & Pass Out

In Person Directions

Option 1:

Check out this post on how to start the activity. Then pass out one card to each student. The students will partner up, read their question out loud and let their partner answer. The partner then asks their question. Finally, students will swap cards and find a new partner.

Option 2:

Post the cards on the walls around the rooms. Students work in pairs to visit each card and each answer the question. 

Virtual Directions

  1. Assign the task cards digitally using Google Slides.
  2. Students will work in partners/small groups. Take turns asking and answering the questions.
  3. Students should record their conversations and submit the recording digitally. There are many apps/websites to do this. Students can also simply use the camera on their digital device to record. Students can submit their recordings to a Google Drive folder, through the Showbie app, or any other platform that your school uses, such as Canvas.
  4. The teacher can decide how many questions students need to answer/record.  

You will love this hands off speaking activity using task cards. Students work in pairs and feel confident about staying in the target language. Need some ready to go cards? Check out these sets for every chapter from the Realidades series. They cover weather, school, food, sports, family, house, clothes, daily routine, and more. Then once you try them, let me know how it goes. Connect with me on  Instagram or Facebook. I’d love to hear how you use them too! 

Erin, The Spanish Brew

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