You need to know how to maximize Quizlet in your classroom

May 29, 2019 No Comments

Are you looking for a quick way to check students’ knowledge? To get your kids engaged and excited? However, you don’t have tons of time to prep a new activity. Then look no further than Quizlet live. If you have already been using Quizlet Live, keep reading for a new twist!

Quizlet live is a website that allows you to check student understanding with multiple choice questions. The best part is the flexibility you have in either creating your own set of questions or searching their database for questions that other teachers have already made. Typically I search the database, find a set that relates to what I’m teaching, and then edit it to suit my needs.

My students absolutely love playing, especially when we’re starting a new unit and they’re getting used to new vocabulary. After playing several times with my classes, I noticed one small downside. If a team was far behind in points, they would sometimes give up or or lose motivation.

Here’s how I remedy this situation with Quizlet Champion. Quizlet live will automatically shuffle your students into groups. Each time a group wins, I write the winners names on the board. After three rounds, I reshuffle the groups. As students win multiple games, I put check marks next to their names. So by the end of the class, no matter how the groups have been configured, those students who have been winning most often have the most check marks next to their name. The students are really motivated to simply get their names up on the board, and the more check marks, the better.

You can offer a lot of incentives for the winners. The easiest is just to declare the Quizlet Champion for the day. You could also offer a prize, an extra point on a quiz, or a homework pass.

If you like this simple way to introduce or review vocabulary in your language classroom, please share this post on social media.

Erin, The Spanish Brew

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